Thursday, July 9, 2020

Reflections on the Closing Charge

The first of the three great tenets of a Mason's profession is "Brotherly Love."  As Masons, we are continuously reminded of our solemn duty to our fellow Masons and to all mankind.

By "Brotherly Love" we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high and low; rich and poor; being all creatures by the same almighty Being, and preserved in existence for mutual aid, support, and protection.

By "Brotherly Love" in Masonry men of the most distant countries, and most discordant sentiments, are in the Lodge united in one bond of union; pursuing the great plan of general good unthwarted by prejudice, and conciliating through friendship among different ranks of men who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.

The charge given at the end of our solemn ceremonies at the close of lodge is a gentle reminder to carry Masonry with us out of the lodge and into our everyday life, to share our blessings with the world.

- M.W. John R. "Bo" Cline
November 4th, 1947 - July 8th, 2020

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